This weekend, QUADRANT raced in the infamous Buckmore 24 hour endurance race. Niran, Ria, Max, Aarav and Steve took to the challenge alongside Ben Daley and Screaming Meals' James and Clément. The team managed to secure a 22nd place finish overall and 8th in the rookie league. Hear more on the teams' thoughts during the 24 hour race...



What is your tactic to staying awake / getting in your sleep during the next 24 hours? 

NIRAN: My stint was quite early, so we’re thinking about getting all the bad ones out the way early doors. So I obviously have quite a lot of time now. I think I'm probably going to be on again in the middle of the night so I'm just going to have to say RIP to my overall sleep schedule. Go to sleep in about two hours, so from like 8pm, then wake up for the next shift. I’m then going to have to just force myself to stay awake. That might be the motive. 

Or just don’t go to sleep? 

NIRAN: I don’t think anybody needs that. The rest of the drivers out there don’t need that, I will fall asleep on track and crash into somebody - content though! 



What are your predictions as to where you will finish? 

RIA: I was going to say I don’t think we will come top, but Steve is doing a good stint right now and we still have some of the pros of our team to still go. So I think we could definitely still get a podium in the rookie category, so I'm going to go with third. 

How many energy drinks down are you going to be at hour 14?

STEVE: At hour 14 I would have done my second stint by then! I’m only half way through my first can at the moment, so let’s just say I'm going to have finished that one!



Who do you think is carrying the team the most so far? 

CLEMENT: I mean, Steve has been pretty incredible in the wet to be honest. He has probably had the best performance of the team so far. He’s been crawling back that gap that we lost at the beginning but hopefully I can do the same. 

How are you feeling before your first stint? 

CLEMENT: I’m bricking it.


CLEMENT: Because it’s wet and I have a tough act to follow (Steve).



Señor frogs are doing well, is there anyone in that team you’re keeping a close eye on? 

AARAV: Chip, the leader, founder of Señor Frogs, he’s very handy in the dry and the wet so i’m watching out for him. They also have Matt, who is their camera man. Last year, he was their camera guy and last minute he came in and did around 6 hours - he was elite. 

Now he has actually come into this year as a driver. He is rapid. He’s not really from their group which I feel is a bit wrong to draft him in. It would be like drafting in one of our mates who have nothing to do with QUADRANT into our team but I digress. 

I think he is their secret weapon. But we have many secret weapons. We have Steve, Clement Novalak, Max - all these guys can cook. We have our own special weapons as well.



What timings would you prefer to not do? 

AARAV: I think probably like a graveyard shift at 1 am when it’s going to be raining still and most people will be asleep.

MAX: So my shift then?

AARAV: Yeah, exactly what Max is doing basically because that one is quite a lonely one I think. Thank you Max for kindly pointing that out. 



Would you rather race for 5 hours at a time or every other hour for 24 hours? 

JAMES: I would do 5 hours at a time because I feel like my answer would be every other hour for 24 hours and then 4 hours into that I'd immediately regret it. 



If you could have any celebrity to join your team, not including any drivers, who would it be? 

CLEMENT: Margot Robbie

Do you think she could help you win? 

CLEMENT: Yeah, she looks like a good driver to be honest, she drove great in the Barbie movie. 



What has been your preparation for this race? 

NIRAN: The preparation was going out to a friend's birthday party. I might have left at 2am.

What time did you get here? 

NIRAN: That is actually so depressing to think about. I got here at 8:30 am! There were six and a half hours between me leaving the party to me being here at Buckmore. I wasn't out out, I was just out by the way. No wonder we were 8 laps down after my stint, I could have been falling asleep at the wheel. Next year I might actually do some preparation. 

What would that preparation be if you had to do it again? 

NIRAN: If I was forced to do it again, I might actually do some practice laps because I had never driven this track. I would probably not go out to a party the night before, I'd probably scrap that part of the preparation I think. I would probably come here and actually learn the track as well, that would probably be decent. 

Was the first time you drove the track today? 

NIRAN: Yes, I've driven the short version of the track before, but not the long version so I just practiced about an hour before the race and was like ah this is what this bit looks like. 



If you could do another 24 hour race anywhere else in the world, where would it be?

MAX: That’s a hard question! I think the only other 24 hour race I'd want to do would be Le Mans. Get myself a nice comfy hypercar so I won’t get wet when it rains. That is definitely something I'd want to do one day, Le Mans or the Daytona 24 which is also a super cool one. 



How do you feel about being one of the more experienced drivers on the team? Do you feel pressure to perform well during your stint?

MAX: No, I don't think so, I think it’s more of a responsibility that I try and do my best for the team with the experience I have. I don’t actually have any experience in any of these cars or the track but I've driven before obviously so I think that helps. I’m just here to try and close the gap between the teams ahead of us. 

Make sure to get your Club Athletic pieces before they're gone at otxcwmqm.top as seen on Team QUADRANT!


Well done Quadrant!!!!
legendary race!

Conal O'Brien

Will you guys be putting a vid up on YT?


Mega job out there guys – thanks for your insight and interviews in the comms box!

Reeve Taylor

I love these little blogs. The team did great, especially under the difficult conditions, I hope everyone still enjoyed it as it was great fun to watch.


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